Hardware upgrade #2

Start on 2017-04-27 22:00:00 Status Finished Finish on 2017-04-28 01:00:00

Please take a note, that on 2017-04-27 from 22:00 till 01:00 (GMT +2) we will perform hardware upgrade. This upgrade will add more RAM modules for each node.

Due to maintenance all servers in nodes listed bellow will be rebooted, expect downtime no more than 15 minutes.

* n7-b10-lt1
* n8-b10-lt1
* n9-b10-lt1
* n10-b10-lt1
* n11-b10-lt1
* n12-b10-lt1
* n7-b13-lt1
* n8-b13-lt1
* n9-b13-lt1
* n10-b13-lt1
* n11-b13-lt1
* n12-b13-lt1
* n13-b13-lt1
* n14-b13-lt1
* n15-b13-lt1
* n16-b13-lt1
* n17-b13-lt1
* n18-b13-lt1
* n14-b14-lt1
* n15-b14-lt1
* n16-b14-lt1
* n17-b14-lt1
* n18-b14-lt1

Date Action
2017-04-28 00:31:00 Maintenance completed.